Olive Tree Genealogy actually began sometime in the winter of 1995 but it wasn't until February 1996 that it was given space on the old Rootsweb site.
That site is still online at http://rootsweb.com/~ote/ and it holds all the "extra" free databases and goodies that I don't have room for on Olive Tree Genealogy at http://olivetreegenealogy.com/
Many of the big sites we use today did not exist when I set up Olive Tree Genealogy. CyndisList came online right after me. Rootsweb started up around the same time. Ancestry.com didn't exist.
I am often asked why I created Olive Tree Genealogy. After my husband died in 1993 and I was injured at school by a student, my enforced inactivity allowed me to begin creating Olive Tree Genealogy site.
I started with one ships list and articles I wrote about Huguenots, Walloons, Loyalists and Palatines. The ships list was so popular and I received so many requests for more that I began hunting for more. Now Olive Tree Genealogy has over 1,600 ships lists online. Photos of ancestors - I've got that covered in my Lost Faces section. At last count there were 77 Civil War Era Photo Albums online, each containing about 50 ancestor photos, most of them identified by name.
Look at me now! I am officially a dinosaur in Internet terms. 21 years is a very long life on the Internet. Wonder if I can last another 21!
Lorine, Congratulations on your 21st anniversary. You led the way in providing access to ships' list and so much more. :)
Wow, 21 years. What an accomplishment! Best wishes for the coming years...
Lorine, Congratulations on your 21st anniversary. Thank you for all that you do for genealogists, you are very much appreciated. I look forward to following you in the coming years.
Congrats on your 21st Anniversary! - I receive your blog, and share with others the wonderful information you have collected over the years. Your work is outstanding!!
Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment - keep up the good work!
Congratulations! That's incredible! I didn't even start doing genealogy until 1998 and find it amazing you were one of the genealogy internet pioneers.
I'm also sorry to hear that a student injured you. I taught in the early 90s and was truly scared of a few of my students, including one 7th grader who threatened to rape me. Hearing your story, I feel that my fears were legit. But, I'm thankful you entered the genealogy world! Happy 21st Birthday to Olive Tree Genealogy!
Yours was one of the first sites I discovered when I started genealogy. Congratulations and a job well done.
Happy Blog Anniversary! Love reading your posts. How about 21 more years? Cheers!
My heartiest congrats! I am also thankful for your bridging the gap between American and Canadian resources and information. I may need your help with some of those Canadian places, though! Carl
Thanks everyone for your kind words! not sure I'll still be online in another 21 years but I'll try :-)
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