Entry Requirements: For a chance to win you must do the following:
1. Share this blog post telling others about this contest. For example, you may share on a social media site such as Twitter, Facebook or Google+. You could provide a link to the blog post on your own blog, or share on a mailing list.
2. Leave a comment on this blog post and tell me where you shared this blog post and the news of the Olive Tree Genealogy Giveaway.
3. Watch the first episode of Who Do You Think You Are? featuring Julie Chen on Sunday March 8 at 10/9c.
4. Send an email to otg.giveaway@gmail.com and tell me what archive or library Julie Chen visits first on her journey of discovery.
Contest Rules:
1. No purchase necessary.
2. Winner will be chosen at random from correct entries received. See details above for entry requirements
3. One winner will be chosen to receive the giveaway .
4. You are responsible for anything in regards to the legality of entering a contest in the area in which you live.
5. The winner will be notified via your provided contact information and the winner's name will be posted on Olive Tree Genealogy blog.
6. Entries will be accepted until March 10 at midnight Eastern Time
Please note that only entries received at otg.giveaway@gmail.com can be accepted.
Disclaimer: Ancestry.com
That is terrific Lorine. I have quite a few readers that are new to Genealogy and this would be a great prize for them to get them started. I retweeted your tweet, shared on my FB page and tooted you in my Blog.
Well it's a shame because I can't watch the episode in France! Will a recap count? :)
Awesome contest by the way!
Shared on Facebook.
shared on facebook and twitter! thanks lorine
Such a great prize I shared on my FB page
would be great getting on Ancestry thanks
Shared on my FB .. hope I can catch the WDYTYA episode from the other side of the globe
having an Ancestry membership is a dream
I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2015/03/follow-friday-fab-finds-for-march-6-2015.html
Have a great weekend!
Shared on the South King County (Washington) Genealogical Society Mailing List.
Barbara Mattoon
Shared on Facebook.
Shared on Twitter
Hi Lorine,
I am unable to find this show in the channel listings for Time Warner Cable in the Raleigh, NC area. (sigh...)
This is a wonderful contest Thank You. I posted it on the following:
OK-GEN-SOC@rootsweb.com which goes out to all Oklahoma Genealogy Societies that are subscribed to the mail list.
Awesome chance to win Discovery Membership through Ancestry...Somebody is going to win...why not you? Posted this to Facebook, Sent to a number of my email contacts, posted on Google, will post on Twitter next.
Just want to say Thanks So Much!
Janet Tipper nee Cormier
Shared on Facebook
I shared on facebook, but I don't have TLC or any other paid option of seeing the show so can't answer the question. It's too bad TLC won't put these online like PBS does with a lot of their shows.
I still think it's it's nice that you're doing a contest, even if I have no way of winning. :-)
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