These are some of the files that are going up to the loft once the filing cabinets are moved.
My method is to go through every filing cabinet drawer in my current office space. I'm sorting and tossing - a huge purge of papers!
Once I've sorted a file folder I decide if it's going to the loft (where my new office space will be) or to the basement filing cabinets (so I can still access it if needed) or to basement storage
The image on the right are cardboard file boxes that I had to purchase in order to pack up some items. The bottom two are going to the basement for storage even though one is research for a book I hope to write one day. The key words are "one day".
I will store the research material out of my main office until I am ready to start compiling it. The box labelled PEER BOOK is going to the loft but once there it will be sorted.
The first volume of my planned series on the Peer family of N. America has been published so I'll remove the research material I used for that book. Volume 1 research materials will be given room in the basement storage area but the rest will stay in my new office so I can access it.
So my basic simple plan is to sort into 3 types of files:
One is current and important papers and documents (genealogy, business, personal) that stay in my new office and I can access easily. These are things such as research for a current book I am working on, client work, and so on. These will go in my new office space.
Two is papers and records I might need in the next few months or year. These will include research on books I have planned to write but are in the queue waiting their turn. These will go in the basement filing cabinets.
Three is papers and documents that I may never need again but I can't bear to throw them out! This also includes the 7 years worth of business receipts and records that I'm required to keep by law. These will be boxed, labelled and put into the basement storage room.
I'm almost finished all the filing cabinet drawers. I just have 1 1/2 lateral filing drawers to sort and 2 smaller legal size drawers in another cabinet.
Once I'm finished those drawers I'm moving on the piles and piles of loose papers on my desk, on my credenza, on the floor and stacked in tubs. Oh boy. I've got a plan in mind as to how I'm going to sort and re-organize those loose papers and will talk about that in my next blog post.
Above you can see the huge box I'm filling with papers for hubs to burn. This is my second - he already burned one full box!
Whew! This is making me want to go through my 4 drawer lateral filing cabinet.
Whew, this is so making me NOT want to go through my 43 linear feet of bookcases with loose papers and notebooks on them.
Inspiring for sure, looking forward to following thru this process. Nice job so far. I like the way you've broken it down into stages.
Wow!! Great job! Looks like a lot of work, but I'm sure the end result will be worth it! (Sigh) I really need to go through my binders and stacks of stuff too and sort through and organize all of it too.
Good on you, Lorine! Keep on going step by step by step. Your descendants will worship you for all your hard work. Little will they know what it looked like in an earlier time!
Bravo!! Definitely not an easy task, but you are tackling it with gusto :)
I think I'm with Randy on this one but you're doing a fantastic job and have a great plan. I just wish I had a basement/shed or somewhere else to stash things.
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